IIT Publications Search

Bodo G., Tessari F., Buccelli S., Laffranchi M.
A Rapid Control Prototyping and Hardware-in-the Loop Approach for Upper Limb Robotic Exoskeletons Control.
Applied Science, vol. 14, (no. 5)
Bodo G., Sciortino G., Petrushin A., Seminerio E., Morganti W., Bailo G. L., Beltran-Gonzalez C., Pilotto A., Laffranchi M., Del Bue A.
Enabling Frail Subjects Telemonitoring: A Sensor Network System for Enhanced Health Assessment
International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems
Conference Paper Conference
Bodo G., Tessari F., Buccelli S., De Guglielmo L., Capitta G., Laffranchi M., De Michieli L.
Customized Series Elastic Actuator for a Safe and Compliant Human-Robot Interaction: Design and Characterization
International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)
Article in Press Conference
Bodo G., Bello P.D., Tessari F., Buccelli S., Boccardo N., De Michieli L., Laffranchi M.
Comparative analysis of inverse kinematics methodologies to improve the controllability of rehabilitative robotic devices
IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, vol. 2022-July