IIT Publications Search

Kariman B.S., Diaspro A., Bianchini P.
Numerical study of transient absorption saturation in single-layer graphene for optical nanoscopy applications
Scientific Reports, vol. 14, (no. 1)
Zeaiter L., Dabbous A., Baldini F., Pagano A., Bianchini P., Vergani L., Diaspro A.
Unveiling nuclear chromatin distribution using IsoConcentraChromJ: A flourescence imaging plugin for IsoRegional and IsoVolumetric based ratios analysis
PLoS ONE, vol. 19, (no. 7 July)
Cuneo L., Castello M., Piazza S., Nepita I., Bianchini P., Vicidomini G., Diaspro A.
A deep learning method to separate fluorophores based on their fluorescence lifetime
Biophysical Journal, vol. 122, (no. 3), pp. 462a-463a
Sheppard C.J.R., Castello M., Tortarolo G., Zunino A., Slenders E., Bianchini P., Vicidomini G., Diaspro A.
Background Rejection in Two-Photon Fluorescence Image Scanning Microscopy
Photonics, vol. 10, (no. 5)
Zeinab Zeaiter L., Baldini F., Cuneo L., Diab F., Bianchini P., Portincasa P., Vergani L., Diaspro A.
Deciphering the chromatin organization and epigenomics involved in adipocyte differentiation and hypertrophy by multimodal nanoscopy
Biophysical Journal, vol. 122, (no. 3S1)
Usai C., Cainero I., Cuneo L., Mariangeli M., Baldini F., Bianchini P., Diaspro A.
Decrypting the spatial relationship between peripheral chromatin and nuclear lamina in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome using super-resolution microscopy techniques.
Biophysical Journal, vol. 122, (no. 3), pp. 491a
Diaspro A., Bianchini P., Callegari F., Cuneo L., Marongiu R., Le Gratiet A., Mohebi A., Scotto M., Sheppard C.J.R.
Emerging Mueller matrix microscopy applications in biophysics and biomedicine
Rivista del Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica, vol. 46, (no. 8), pp. 473-519
Jadavi S., Dante S., Civiero L., Sandre M., Bubacco L., Tosatto L., Bianchini P., Canale C., Diaspro A.
Fluorescence labeling methods influence the aggregation process of α-syn in vitro differently
Nanoscale, vol. 15, (no. 18), pp. 8270-8277
Civita S., Bizzarri R., Bianchini P., Diaspro A.
Image correlation spectroscopy approaches to probe diffusion in cell
Biophysical Journal, vol. 122, (no. 3S1)
Nepita I., Piazza S., Ruglioni M., Cristiani S., Bosurgi E., Salvadori T., Vicidomini G., Diaspro A., Castello M., Bianchini P., Storti B., Bizzarri R.
Image Scanning Microscopy to Investigate Polycomb Protein Colocalization onto Chromatin
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), vol. 13, (no. 3)
DOI 10.3390/app13031556 Article Journal
Sheppard C.J.R., Castello M., Tortarolo G., Zunino A., Slenders E., Bianchini P., Vicidomini G., Diaspro A.
Image scanning microscopy with a doughnut beam: Signal strength and integrated intensity
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, vol. 40, (no. 8), pp. 1612-1619
Bianchini P., Diaspro A., Sheppard C.J.R.
Multimodal and Nanoscale Optical Microscopy
Multimodal and Nanoscale Optical Microscopy, Publisher: Ios Press
Book Book
Cainero I., Baldini F., Usai C., Bianchini P., Lanzanò L., Diaspro A.
New insights in Progerin-induced modifications of chromatin landscapes
Biophysical Journal, vol. 122, (no. 3), pp. 451a
Nepita I., Piazza S., Ruglioni M., Cristiani S., Bosurgi E., Salvadori T., Vicidomini G., Diaspro A., Castello M., Cerase A., Bianchini P., Storti B., Bizzarri R.
On the Advent of Super-Resolution Microscopy in the Realm of Polycomb Proteins
Biology, vol. 12, (no. 3)
Baldini F., Zeaiter L., Cainero I., Cuneo L., Bianchini P., Vergani L., Pagano A., Diaspro A.
Optical nanoscopy approach to unveil chromatin alterations implicated in neuroblastoma transformation
Biophysical Journal, vol. 122, (no. 3), pp. 491a